Operations Manager’s time in Northland

Operations Manager’s time in Northland

As operations manager for NZ Grazing Company I get to visit our regions and meet a few of our owner and grower clients. In the last week of June I spent a few days in Northland with Ruth and Kevin who are our NZG team in Northland and also got to visit and meet a few...
May Day, May Day

May Day, May Day

May Day, May Day Hi to all our farmer clients! As most of you will be aware, here at NZ Grazing we have just been through our busiest time of year with grazing contracts ending and new contracts beginning. This all happens around the end of April/beginning of May....
The Start of April 2023

The Start of April 2023

And here we are at the start of April 2023 – They say time flies when you’re having fun! So far 2023 has given many a roller coaster ride, a crazy year with extreme weather anomalies, many of which I don’t think would be considered fun. It has been heartening to see...
Facial Eczema in Cattle

Facial Eczema in Cattle

Facial Eczema in Cattle  By Bridget Clark – NZG Operational Manger    Facial Eczema (FE) is a disease of the liver caused by a mycotoxin (sporidesmin) found in pastures that affects all ruminants even when they have low exposure to the fungus (Pithomyces...
The Joys of Farming

The Joys of Farming

As I write, we are experiencing what I describe as weather less than ideal for good farming operations. Following droughts in several regions, there have been periods of dry and cold and then extreme rain deluges causing damage to both pastures and infrastructure....
Is The Cost of Grazing Going Up?

Is The Cost of Grazing Going Up?

By Ian Wickham Part 2 – November 2022 How much bang for your buck? In Part 1 of this topic I stated “It all depends on how you measure the cost ” and discussed how the historical relative price of grazing (based on weekly rates) and the price of milksolid payout...